Quest diagnostics phone number
Quest diagnostics phone number

quest diagnostics phone number

If you want to file a complaint or submit a positive feedback you may leave your comment or complaint under Instagram or Youtube post and in many cases the business will respond to it. Frequently direct message via Quest Diagnostics Facebook account or Quest Diagnostics Twitter account may get you a customer representative quicker and sometimes even 24/7, so try it too. If live customer service agent is not available by phone, try live chat as a shortcut. Make sure that you tried multiple options when reaching customer service. Reach Real Person in Quest Diagnostics by Phone, Live Chat, Social Network

quest diagnostics phone number

View Quest Diagnostics headquarters location on a map. Sunday closed Quest Diagnostics Headquarters

  • You can get more information about Quest Diagnostics Customers on the Quest Diagnostics Customers Support page.
  • To contact Patient Service Center location questions via e-mail you need to go to the Patient Service Center Contact page, fill in the form and press the “Submit” green button.
  • To contact Billing inquiry via e-mail you need to go to the Billing Contact page, fill in the form and press the “Submit” green button.
  • To speak with a live agent, you need to press the “Chat” icon in the bottom right corner of the page. You can start a live chat session with a Quest Diagnostics Support Agent on the Quest Diagnostics Support page.

    quest diagnostics phone number

    Secaucus, New Jersey 07094 Quest Diagnostics Live Chat Support Quest Diagnostics Infectious Diseases, Inc.: Quest Diagnostics Clinical Laboratories, Inc.: You can view latest Quest Diagnostics videos on Quest Diagnostics Youtube page.You can message a live customer service representative using Quest Diagnostics Linkedin page.You can also reach Quest Diagnostics support via Quest Diagnostics Twitter page.Typically Quest Diagnostics customer service representative replies within an hour. Quest Diagnostics customer service could be contacted via Quest Diagnostics Facebook page.Quest Diagnostics Social Networks Customer Service For Diagnostic Laboratory of Oklahoma (DLO) you need to dial 1-80.For Cleveland HeartLab you need to dial 1-86.For Dermpath Diagnostics you need to dial 1-80.For Quest Diagnostics Genomic Services you need to dial 1-86.For Nichols Institute, Valencia you need to dial 1-80.For Nichols Institute, Chantilly you need to dial 1-80.For Nichols Institute, San Juan Capistrano you need to dial 1-80.For Quest Diagnostics Employer Solutions you need to dial 1-80.Live customer service representatives from Quest Diagnostics are available from 8am to 5pm EST Monday-Friday, Saturday-Sunday closed. Quest Diagnostics Customer Support Phone is 1-86.Quest Diagnostics Customer Support Phones For additional help say “Additional help” or press 5.

    quest diagnostics phone number

  • For test results say “Test results” or press 4.
  • For pricing and billing questions say “Pricing and billing” or press 3.
  • For appointments say “Appointments” or press 2.
  • To find a location near your or hear hours of operation say “Location” or press 1.
  • If you or press 1 in the above menu you will get the following sub-menu:
  • If you know your party’s extension press 3.
  • Alternatively you can use the following other options available in the customer service phone menu:

    Quest diagnostics phone number